How do the herbs work?

How does fresh breath tea work? - Vital Tea
Aug 12, 2024
Our Fresh Breath Tea, composed of Jasmine, Mint, Cloves, Licorice, Orange peel, Malt, and Lotus...
How does lung detox tea work? - Vital Tea
Aug 12, 2024
Our Lung Detox Tea, which includes Astragalus, Thyme, Sterculia lychnophora, Monk fruit, Lophatherum gracile, and...
How does Libido & Kidney Herbal Tea work? - Vital Tea
Aug 12, 2024
OurĀ Kidney Herbal Tea, composed of Maca, Eucommia male flower, Polygonatum sibiricum, Ginseng, Mulberry, Wolfberry, and...
How does slimming tea work? - Vital Tea
Aug 09, 2024
Our slimming herbal tea blend has a unique combination of ingredients, each contributing to weight...
How does liver tea work? - Vital Tea
Aug 09, 2024
The liver is a vital organ responsible for filtering toxins from the blood, processing nutrients,...